Vote of No Confidence to accept PM Dr. Abiy to address Ethiopians in North America Dallas tournament June 01, 2018 (GCDC) - The Ethiopian Sports Federation in North America (ESFNA) has voted not to accept Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s desire ...
Press-Release: GDA’s Community Development Outreach Program Rochester, MN, March 12, 2018 (GMN) - The Gambella Diaspora Association (GDA) has been organized to exclusively support the ongoing ...
Ethiopian Airlines Graduates 50 pilots plus 212 Aviation Professionals October 08, 2017 (GCDC) - Ethiopian Aviation Academy, the largest and the most modern aviation academy in Africa, a full ICAO ...
Ethiopia: 39 government officials busted in major crackdown on corruption Addis Ababa, July 29, 2017 (GCDC) - In what could be considered to be a major crackdown on corruption in ...
It was a beautiful, Anyuak traditional wedding ceremony Bloomington, MN , May 22, 2017, (GCDC) - There was a tremendous sense of joy at Didumo Agwa Alemo and Loch Ojullu Othow ...
የጋህአዴን ማዕከላዊ ኮሚቴ የድርጅቱን ዋና ሊቀመንበር አቶ ጋትሉዋክ ቱት፥ መረጠ። ጋምቤላ፣ ሚያዚያ 08፣ 2009 (GCDC) - የጋምቤላ ህዝቦች አንድነት ዴሞክራሲያዊ ንቅናቄ (ጋህአዴን) ማዕከላዊ ኮሚቴ ጉባኤ የድርጅቱን ዋናና ምክትል ሊቀመንበር መረጠ። ...
Ethiopia: Gambella Diaspora Delegates from U.S keen to invest in the region Rochester, MN, January 14, 2017 (GMN) - Gambella Diaspora Delegates back to United States and pledge others to invest their ...